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From Doubt to Clarity: Imposter Syndrome in Women’s Leadership at the Workplace

Updated: Feb 15

Written by: Vicki Yang (Ambassador)

For women in management roles, imposter syndrome is an entrenched and pervasive issue. Despite their accomplishments, women may find it difficult to internalize their success, attributing it to luck, circumstances, or chance, rather than their own abilities. 

This phenomenon can create a constant fear of being exposed as a fraud, hindering professional growth and confidence- so how can we begin to address this? 


Overcoming imposter syndrome is not a linear process, rather supported through small incremental change. Acknowledging accomplishments and celebrating success- however big or small- is a step towards developing the confidence and belief in one self. This confidence not only builds self-awareness but also serves as a tangible reminder of competence, helping combat feelings of inadequacy. 

Building a Supportive Network

Cultivating a supportive network is crucial in addressing imposter syndrome. Women in business can benefit greatly from having strong mentorship, joining professional networks, and engaging with peers facing similar challenges. Having a strong support system provides a safe space to discuss insecurities, gain valuable insights, and receive encouragement from others who have navigated similar paths. As likely as a mentoring relationship is to benefit women in management, imposter syndrome can prevent women from being hesitant in reaching out to their broader network for advice and mentorship. Building a supportive network will require time, patience, and proactivity- don’t be afraid to ask. 

Embracing Failures 

Imposter syndrome often intensifies in the face of failures. It's essential to shift the perspective on setbacks. Women in management should view failures as learning opportunities, recognizing that everyone encounters challenges. Embracing the lessons within failures fosters resilience and helps reshape the narrative of imposter syndrome.


While imposter syndrome is commonly associated with women, it's important to acknowledge that men also experience these feelings of self-doubt. By understanding that imposter syndrome transcends gender, women in business can foster a more inclusive and supportive workplace. Initiating open conversations about imposter syndrome can break down barriers and create a shared understanding among both male and female colleagues.

These points collectively contribute to a comprehensive approach for women in management to overcome imposter syndrome, fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment for everyone in the professional realm.

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